

The Town Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances.  This page contains information on the way the Council protects its finances and what it has spent money on.

The Council’s finances are monitored on a day to day basis by the Responsible Financial Officer (Town Clerk) and the Finance and Audit Committee takes an oversight role for the Council budgets whilst each Committee also monitors its own income and expenditure.

The Council appoints an independent internal auditor who assesses the Council’s compliance with relevant legislation and a further audit is carried out by an external auditor appointed independently of the Council.

The Budget Process

  • review of current year budget and spending
  • determine the cost of spending plans
  • assess levels of anticipated income
  • provide for contingencies and the need for reserves
  • approve the budget
  • set the precept


The Precept

The precept is the local council tax requirement required from local electors to meet the council’s budget. Every local council has the power to levy a precept each financial year as a “local precepting authority”. The local council precept is a component of the total council tax levied on local government electors in the local council area. Local councils do not receive any direct funding from central government therefore are reliant on the local precept and any other income they generate from the services or facilities that they provide.

Accounts for Payment


The precept was set in December 2023 by Full Council.  The precept for 2024/25 is £285,000 which is equivalent to a charge for a Band D property of £89.78 with a tax base of £3,174.32.


As part of this process, the Council must publish the unaudited Annual Return and must make arrangements for a period in which interested persons can inspect the Council’s accounts and related documents.  If you are a registered local government elector (i.e. you appear on the electoral register for the area covered by the Council) you can also ask questions about the accounts and object to them.

CIL Annual Report

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Fixed Asset Register

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Risk Assessment

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Insurance 2024-25

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Internal Auditor

Rachel Pearson

Account- ant (Yorkshire) Ltd

External Auditor

PKF Littlejohn

15 Westferry Circus,
E14 4HD