About the Grant Scheme
Bollington Town Council awards grants, at its absolute discretion, to organisations which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support to achieve an objective which will benefit the town by:
- Providing a service
- Enhancing the quality of life
- Improving the environment
Organisations requesting financial assistance are required to submit by 31st October for each financial year in which they require assistance
Grant criteria
- The application must be within or for the residents of the Town.
- The application must come from a ‘not for profit’ or non-commercial organisation. Therefore, any profits must be for the benefit of the local community.
- The application must benefit the local community.
The Council will NOT award grants to:
- Private individuals
- Commercial organisations
- Purposes for which there is a statutory duty upon other local or central government departments to fund or provide, ‘Upward funders’, ie local groups where fund-raising is sent to a central HQ for redistribution.
- Political parties
- Religious organisation: unless for a purpose which does not discriminate on grounds of believe.
This list is not exhaustive and may be added to at the council’s discretion.
Organisations requesting financial assistance are required to submit by 31st October of the financial year in which they require assistance:
- A completed application form
- Copies of their last year end accounts together with latest bank statements
- Information as to the specific purpose for which the grant is required
- Whether any fund-raising activities are planned to supplement any deficit
Organisations will normally be expected to have clear written aims and objectives, a written constitution, and a separate bank account controlled by more than one signatory.
All grants awarded will be subject to regular ‘report back’ to Bollington Town Council as to progress and/or community benefit together with receipts, photographs and evidence. Acknowledgement of Bollington Town Council’s grant should always be made through the successful applicant’s website and social media.
For more information see the Grants Awarding Policy
How to Apply
To apply complete the online form Please note you will have to send a copy of your most recent accounts for your application to be considered and these can be emailed separately to clerk@bollington-tc.gov.uk
If you have any difficulty completing the form please get in touch on 01625 572985 or enquiries@bollington-tc.gov.uk