
Local Government Transparency

This Local Government Transparency Code 2015 is issued by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in exercise of his powers under section 2 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 (“the Act”) to issue a Code of Recommended Practice (the Code) as to the publication of information by local authorities about the discharge of their functions and other matters which he considers to be related. It is issued following consultation in accordance with section 3(11) of the Act.

The Code does not replace or supersede the existing legal framework for access to and re-use of public sector information provided by the:

  • Freedom of Information Act 2000 (as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012)
  • Environmental Information Regulations 2004
  • Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005
  • Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Regulations 2009, and
  • sections 25 and 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 which provide rights for persons to inspect a local authority’s accounting records and supporting documentation, and to make copies of them

The Code applies to Town and Parish Councils which a gross income or expenditure in excess of £200,000

Bollington Town Council provides some information below but also elsewhere on this website.

Information which needs to be published

Under the below headers, information and data will be published at least quarterly by the Town Council.  Under the Data Protection Act 2018, personal data will be redacted if it can identify an individual.

Expenditure over £500

All the Council’s expenditure for each month can be found on the Finance webpage

All expenditure is reported to Full Council at each ordinary meeting.  Agendas can be viewed on the Meetings page and from the noticeboard outside the Town Hall.

Grants and donations to voluntary, community and faith sector organisations

As part of its ongoing commitment to the local community and voluntary sector, the Town Council offers grants throughout each financial year to support groups, activities and projects organised to benefit the people of Bollington.

Grant award information can be found on the Finance webpage


The Code requires local authorities to publish details (including job descriptions, responsibilities and staff numbers) of any senior employees earning over £50,000 per annum.  Bollington Town Council has no employees earning over this amount.

Town Council staff

There are no trade unions recognised at the Town Council.

Councillor’s allowances and expenses

An annual budget is set aside for the Town Mayor to draw upon for expenses incurred whilst attending civic functions during their term of office.

Councillors may claim expenses such as mileage.

Procurement – Contracts and Tenders

The Council does not incur expenditure through the use of government procurement cards.

Payments to businesses and to the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors can be found on the Finance page.

Invitations to quote are issued for goods or services over £3,000.

Invitations to tender are issued for goods and services over £25,000.

Town Council Budget

A copy of the Town Council’s budget will be published annually. Bollington Town Council is funded through the precept, which is collected along with your council tax.

Internal and External Auditors

The Local Audit & Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 set out the responsibilities of all local councils in respect of their accounting and auditing procedures.

The Internal Auditor is appointed by Council who evaluate and review the Councils risk management, controls and governance.  The Councils current Internal Auditor is JDH Business Services.

Annual Return and Annual Governance and Accountability Returns

The Annual Return and Annual Governance Accountability Return (AGAR) must be submitted by the Council to the government appointed External Auditor each year.  The current nationally appointed External Auditor is PKF Littlejohn LLP.

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2021-22

Accounting Statement and Governance 2021-22

Council and Committee Minutes

All Council and Committee minutes can be found on the Minutes webpage


Policy documents are published on the Council’s website.

Land, Property and Car Parking owned by the Council

The Town Council owns the following land and property:

Buildings, land and assets

The Town Council owns 5 parking spaces in front of the Town Hall and 37 parking spaces (two of which are disabled spaces) at the Civic Hall. There are no charges for parking.

The Adlington Road, Recreational Ground and Pool Bank car parks are owned and managed by Cheshire East Council.

Social Housing

Bollington Town Council does not provide any social housing or own any social housing stock.

Senior Salaries

Not applicable to Bollington Town Council.

Waste Contracts

There are no waste collection contracts managed by Bollington Town Council.


Counter fraud 2021-22

Counter fraud 2022-23

Counter fraud 2023-24

If you are unable to find the information you wish to see, please contact: