Biodiversity decline
According to ‘Bugs Matter’, insect populations in the UK have declined by almost 60% in the past 20 years, and many species are now in danger of extinction. Cheshire Wildlife Trust has confirmed that insect populations are in critical decline in our area and urgent action is required to reverse this.
With a third of our food crops and as many as 87% of other plants pollinated by insects there is a lot to lose. Much of our wildlife, be it birds, bats, amphibians, small mammals, or fish rely on insects for food. Without them we risk the collapse of our natural world.
If you have a garden or even a small outdoor area, you might like to try:
- Letting a section or all of your lawn grow long and maybe seeding wildflowers. This can create an important habitat for all sorts of insects and minibeasts, which then provide food for birds
- Growing flowering plants and shrubs that give nectar-rich food to butterflies and bees, as well as seeds, berries and cover for birds and small mammals
- Providing trees, climbing plants and hedges to create roosting and nesting sites for birds and mammals, as well as valuable shelter
- Adding a pond or water feature – these can be a habitat for a huge variety of animal life, from amphibians and invertebrates to bathing garden birds
- Not being too tidy! Woodpiles, compost and trimmings can be incredible places for animals to live, feed and hibernate.
There are many more ideas for creating a biodiverse garden on the RSPB website’s page: Gardening for Wildlife.
The RHS has a list of plants for a wide variety of pollinating insects.