
Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing Grants

Cheshire East Council is working in partnership with NHS Cheshire and Merseyside and Central Cheshire Integrated Care Board to provide grants that will support the VCFSE sector to deliver projects supporting better health and wellbeing outcomes.

How much is available?

Total funding amount available £182,860, this is split into two delivery outcomes:

  • Physical Health and Wellbeing £116,344
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing £66,516

Each group or partnership can apply for up to £20,000

Aims and Objective

  • Reduce health inequalities by addressing a specific gap in provision or where there is an identified need.
  • Improve access to local health and care services including clear linkages with respective care communities.

Applications to the fund are expected to contribute towards:

Cardiovascular Health, Respiratory Health, Children’s Health (Prevention and Early Intervention), Older Peoples Health including dementia,  Mental Wellbeing and Social Prescribing

Who can apply?

Non-profit organisations including voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations.

Online Information sessions will take place on:
25th January at 2pm and 30th January at 11am

One to One support and further information on how to apply is available from the Cheshire East grants team please contact them by emailing communitygrants2@cheshireeast.gov.uk

For more information and how to apply contact communitygrants2@cheshireeast.gov.uk