
Event Information

02/07/2022 - 10/07/2022

Well Dressing

Well Dressing has become an annual event in Bollington. Everyone is welcome to get involved in the preparation of the boards and volunteers are also required to help move the boards to and from the cricket pavilion where they will be prepared.

The tradition of dressing or decorating a well originated in pre- Christian times as a thanksgiving for the plentiful supply of pure water without which communities could not have survived.
Bollington has quite a few springs and wells, the water arising from the nearby Kerridge Hills, but all except one are situated where visiting them would be extremely dangerous, so decorations are placed alongside the brooks and the river which flow through the town.

If you would like to get involved with preparing the boards or helping with lifting and transportation please get in touch and we will pass your details on to the committee.

A Trail map  will be available to guide visitors to all the sites which will be on display.

The festival runs from 2nd – 10th July, with the opening ceremony on 2nd July 11:30am at Greg’s Fountain.