
Grants Awarded 2022-2023

The Town Council has a £15,000 budget each year to benefit the community through grants.  Here are some of how last year’s grants made a difference:

  • It paid for the insurance for the Kerridge War Memorial Committee
  • Produced all the leaflets for the Walking Festival
  • Helped the Art Festival take place in April
  • Supported Canalside Radio to update their equipment and their streaming with a new app – please check it out !
  • Provided room rental for Bollington Civic Society
  • Water Street Centre used the funds to help refurbish and replace the flooring
  • Bollington Photography Group improved their website
  • Bollington Festival purchased advertising for the Race Night and Bollington in Bloom and it also helped towards the cost for the Jubilee Jamboree in 2024
  • Road closures for Love Bollington Market
  • Bollington United Junior Football Club were grateful as the grant supported running costs due to inflation
  • The Senior Citizens used the grant to support their Annual Party
  • The Bridgend Centre improved their wifi network and telephone system
  • Bollington Walkers are Welcome paid for their annual subscription to the National Organisation
  • 2nd Bollington Rainbow Guides purchased uniform and stationery
  • Bollington Live used the valued contribution towards printing costs
  • Bollington Initiative Trust carried out urgent tree works by a Tree Surgeon at Tinkers Clough
  • The Horticultural Society used the grant to sponsor 30 x classes at their Spring Show
  • Bollington Health and Leisure have used it for grass cutting on the football pitches