Parking Review Statutory Public Consultation
Cheshire East Council’s statutory public consultation for the parking review is now open and will run until Wednesday 1st November 2023.
The proposals will be on display at each car park as well as in local newspapers and in local libraries.
You can view the consultation and the notice of proposal with the charges and the statement of reasons on Cheshire East Council’s website.
You can also view the main document that relates to Pool Bank Car Park, Bollington – Bollington Strategy Report on their website.
During the consultation period, every ward Councillor, Town and Parish Council will be invited to make representations, alongside other stakeholders and the wider public.
You can make representation by emailing or by sending a letter to: Parking Services Manager, Parking Services Department, c/o Delamere House, Delamere Street, Crewe, CW1 2LL
All objections / representations must specify the grounds on which they are made.
Representation made by other methods / media will not be accepted.