
The Town Council has initiated and/or collaborated on many projects over the years, from the relatively “straightforward” replacement of tricky stiles with kissing gates on our wonderful footpath network, to multi-thousand pound projects such as the Bollington Cross Youth Project. Supported by the Town Hall Team, Councillors and residents have spent many hundreds of volunteer hours making things happen. The more difficult projects may have taken months or years to complete, and may even have had a different group of Councillors at the finish from when they started. However we hope that you agree the wait was worthwhile and much has been achieved by hard work and determination.

Some of the projects below have links to pages where you can find out more, whilst others are just a project heading. Please get in touch if you would like more information about these or any other projects the Town Council is, or could be involved with to make out town a better place.

Current projects and improvements

Ashbrook Road junction improvements

Following strong feedback from residents, £5000 has been allocated in ear marked reserves towards improvements to the paved area at the Ashbrook Road junction. The Council is seeking additional funding before work can begin.

Ashbrook Road Junction Uneven Plaving Slabs

S106 monies

Bollington Town Council have an excess of £60,000 to improve the Recreation Ground and/or play areas 2.5miles from an approved planning application at Albert Road. We are working with ANSA to create a Master Plan and to consult the public and key stakeholders on what they favour.

Bollington Recreation Ground

Past Projects

Wildflower planting - October 2023
In autumn 2023, sections of the bank opposite the Co-op were sowed with wildflower seeds ready to bloom in spring.
New allotment site - August 2023
Following the transfer of land from Cheshire East Council, the Council prepared a new site in August with extra plots.
CCTV expansion - August 2023
In response to an increase in anti-social behaviour and vandalism, in August the Council expanded the CCTV coverage at Adlington Road car park
Bench restoration - 2023
The Wardens are gradually restoring the town's benches.
Green Bollington - June 2023
We held our first Green Week in June 2023 with support from the community. Cllr David Kent, the Green Champion, is preparing a strategy for review by Council on how we can achieve carbon neutral status by 2030 and work with the community to reduce its carbon footprint.
New bin - June 2023
The Youth Council elected to deliver a new bin and chose one that is designed to encourage children to dispose of their waste.
Warm Spaces - 2022/23
The Council funded a weekly warm space open to all with hot drinks, games and chat from November 2022 to February 2023.
Emergency Response Plan review 2023
Installation of EVC Chargers at Poolbank Car Park 2022
Bulb Planting 2020
Neighbourhood Plan 2018
Bollington Cross Youth Project 2018
Multi-Use Games Area 2018
Footpath Reconstruction 2017
New War Memorial Stones 2015
Bowling Hut Project 2015
Coronation Gardens Play Area Upgrade 2013
Adlington Road Skatepark 2012