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Services consultation results

The consultation held by BTC on the funding of Pool Bank car park and the Bollington Library has now ended, and the responses of the paper questionnaire have been counted by Council staff.
The question asked was:
Do you agree for Bollington Town Council to pay for the following services, Pool Bank Car Park and Bollington Library ?
The results are as follows:
Strongly agree 604
Neither agree or disagree 13
Strongly disagree 94
Void 24
Voided responses were from households outside the Bollington boundary, or without a box ticked, or with multiple boxes ticked.
The council would like to express its thanks to everyone who participated in the consultation, and especially the staff and volunteers who worked to organise and manage it.
The results will now be taken to the next meeting of the Finance and Audit Committee, who will make budgetary recommendations for the full council to consider and resolve on December 3rd.
Should you have questions regarding the consultation please contact the Town Manager at [email protected]