
Churches in Bollington

There are now 3 active Churches in the town and one in Pott Shrigley. The United Reformed Church is now based in Macclesfield but meets at Shrigley Court on Sunday evenings with communion once a month.

You can discover more about the history of the churches past and present in the town on the Happy Valley website.

St John’s Church Graveyard

Although St John’s Church closed some years ago the churchyard is still open although closed to new burials, except where there is space in existing family graves.

St Gregory’s Cemetery is on Chapel Street, where the former Catholic Chapel was situated.


Active Churches

St Oswalds Church of England Church

Bollington Road Bollington Cross. SK10 5EG. 07895 363038

St Gregory’s Roman Catholic Church

Wellington Road,  SK10 5JR.  01625 572108

Life Church Bollington

Hawthorn Road, SK10 5JN. 01625 578100

St Christopher’s Church of England Church

Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley. SK10 5RT. 01625 575846