
How we work with other organisations

Bollington Town Council works closely with a number of community organisations – with the aim to first and foremost achieve positive outcomes for the town. In doing so, we have strengthened relationships and established informal partnerships. This has been achieved through Councillor representation at the organisation or through support from and collaborative work with council staff.

Cheshire East Council is the district council; responsible for highways, waste management, playgrounds, council tax and car parks.

One of our Town Councillors, Cllr Ken Edwards, is also a Cheshire East Ward Councillor, enabling for effective communication between the town and district council.

How we work with the local community

Bollington Town Council works with a number of community groups and local people in the following ways:

  • Provide support to the annual Well Dressing Opening Ceremony and week long festival by arranging the road closure and providing Town Warden time
  • Provide support to the annual Kerridge War Memorial parade by arranging the road closure and providing Town Warden time
  • Provide support to Love Bollington Market by arranging road closures and providing Town Warden time
  • Organising a Civic Sunday Parade and Service with Bollington Brass Band and the Parish Vicar, to which local organisations are invited
  • Organising Remembrance Sunday with the Bollington Branch of the Royal British Legion, Bollington Brass Band, the Parish Vicar and Canalside Community Radio
  • Delivering a Christmas event with children’s activities, a Christmas market, food and drink and Canalside Community Radio with support from Friends of the Rec and the local guides
  • Organising the Christmas Eve ‘Carols Around the Tree’ with Bollington Brass Band and Canalside Community Radio
  • Commemorating the Queen’s Jubilee with a beacon on the White Nancy hill with support from the local fire fighters to light and attend the beacon and a bugler from Bollington Brass Band
  • Commemorating the King’s Coronation with an event including a dog show, dog agility, children’s activities, food and drink and music with support from Friends of the Rec
  • Mayoral visits to the local primary schools and in 2023 working with the schools on a Green Week art exhibition with support from Bollington Arts Centre
  • Mayoral visits to organisations in the town such as the Air Cadets, Brownies, Scouts, Bollington Borrowers and library
  • Working with volunteers on floral displays around the town
  • Awarding grants to local community groups
  • Displaying posters for local events or information in our noticeboards
Mayor Well Dressing at Greg Fountain
Kerridge War Memorial 2021
Love Bollington Market 13th August 2023
Mayor laying wreath Remembrance Sunday 2022
Cheshire East Council logo

How we work with Cheshire East Council

Bollington works with the district council in a number of ways:

  • Regular meetings between the Town Clerk and Cheshire East Ward Councillors
  • Responding to consultations that help shape services offered by Cheshire East Council
  • Working with Cheshire East Council on a Bollington Neighbourhood Plan, adopted in 2018. The Neighbourhood Plan is undergoing a review which will require further liaison with the district council
  • The Planning and Town Development Committee consults on planning applications, issues on development and planning enforcement
  • Working with the Cheshire East Rangers on hedgerow planting, wildflower planting and a wildflower meadow management walk and talk in Green Week
  • Transfer of land from Cheshire East Council to Bollington Town Council for the provision of a new allotment site
  • Working with Cheshire East Highways to identify and target blocked gullies
  • Liaising with Cheshire East on event planning and road closures
  • Working with Cheshire East footpath officers on footpath improvements

How we work with organisations and services

Bollington Town Council collaborates with and shares communications from several organisations and services. Councillor representatives have been appointed to certain organisations and services where a more formal relationship exists.

Cheshire Police Badge
Cheshire Fire And Rescue Service Logo
Middlewood Partnership Logo
Bollington Health And Leisure Logo
East Cheshire Nhs Trust Logo
Neccp Logo
Bollington Initiative Trust Logo
Bridgend Centre Logo