How the Council Operates
Local councillors (sometimes called members) are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its work and spend money on local services.
Local elections take place every four years, with the most recent in May 2023. Bollington Town Council has twelve seats; four in each of its East, Central and West Wards. In May 2023, the Central and West Wards were uncontested i.e. the number of candidates standing was the same or less than the the number of seats. East Ward saw six candidates standing for the four places and went to ballot.
Councillors have a responsibility for the whole community but they have a special responsibility to represent their ward constituents. Bollington has three wards with four councillors serving each ward, usually for a period of four years. All Councillors attend Council Meetings and each Councillor will also be a member of a number of Committees and Working Groups reporting back to the Council.
Bollington Town Council has a Town Mayor, elected annually, who is a Town Councillor and who chairs meetings of the Council during their Mayoral Year
Councils work in partnership with local communities and organisations – including the public, voluntary, community and private sectors – to develop a vision for their local area, working collaboratively to improve services and quality of life for citizens.
Civility & Respect Pledge
Bollington Town Council has signed up to the Civility & Respect Pledge
By signing the Pledge, the Council is agreeing to treat councillors, clerks, employees, members of the public, and representatives of partner organisations and volunteers with civility and respect in their roles and that it:
- Has put in place a training programme for councillors and staff
- Has signed up to the Code of Conduct for councillors
- Has good governance arrangements in place including staff contracts and a Dignity at Work policy
- Will seek professional help at the early stages should civility and respect issues arise
- Will commit to calling out bullying and harassment if and when it happens
- Will continue to learn from best practices in the sector and aspire to be a role model/champion council through for example the Local Council Award Scheme
- Supports the continued lobbying for change in legislation to support the Civility and Respect Pledge including sanctions for elected members where appropriate
Full Council Terms of Reference
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