Adult and Children's Dancing Classes in Bollington
Dancetech Ballroom Academy
Adult dance lessons
- Ballroom
- Latin American
- Modern & Classical Sequence
Children’s lessons
- Street Dance
- Freestyle
- Ballroom
- Latin
Bollington Civic Hall.
Footloose Dance Academy
Bollington Civic Hall.
- Ballet
- Tap
- Freestyle
- Theatre Craft dance
All in a fun, encouraging and safe environment.
Age groups from 4 upwards.
Sue Lane Dance School
- Ballet
- Modern
- Tap
- Freestyle
All ages and abilities
Dance Exams and Performances
Based at the Arts Centre
Baby Ballet
- Tots: 6-18 months
- Tinies: 18m – 3 years
- Tappers: 3 years+
- Movers: 3 & 4 years
- Groovers: 4.5 – 6 years